Gabinet Wrocław

ul. Długa 16B/32 - Wrocław

apartamentoweic Odra House

Gabinet Rawicz

ul. PODZAMCZE 11/3,

Parter, 63-900 RAWICZ

Services - private practice, Dr. Slawomir Makacewicza

Private Practice Dr. Slawomir Makacewicza is made
a full range of dental services.


Private Practice - St. Podzamcze 11, Rawicz was founded in 1988. At the moment it consists of two air-conditioned offices with modern dental treatment units, X-ray lab - equipped with the latest radiographic system for instant reading on a computer screen images and sterilization lab equipped with fully automatic autoclave Kronos B as the best in 2010.


Implant dentistry - Dental implants help restore aesthetic and function caused by the loss of teeth. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia in one or multiple visits. It may include all of the dental arch, or a single tooth. The basic material of performed dental implants is titanium (due to its biocompatibility – it is not recognized by the body as a foreign body).

  • Reconstruction of three teeth with permanent dentures based on implants
  • pełen zakres procedur chirurgicznych i protetycznych
    • - Bone grafts in the oral cavity,,
    • - Replacing single or multiple tooth loss.,
    • - Immediate implant - after tooth extraction,,
    • - One visit prothestics(patient at any stage is not without teeth)
  • Navigation assisted tomography stereolithography
  • Years of experience
  • Prosthetic Consulting
  • Permanent dentures
      + Inlays
      + Onlays
      + Porcelain veneers + Metal ceramic crowns
      + Full ceramic crown
      + Bridges
  • Full removable dentures and Partial removable dentures
  • Repairs to dentures:
      + Partial
      + Full
  • Repairs to dentures


zdjęcia pantomograficzne PANORAMA
PANORAMA - zdjęcia pantomograficzne

Panorama RAY SCAN alpha P jest najnowszym produktem koncernu SAMSUNG opartym na najnowszym rzeczywistym czujniku liniowym CMOC CsI firmy HAMAMATSU. Posiada dwanaście trybów zdjęć 2D zapewniających efektywną diagnozę i komfort pacjenta. Jako jedyna z nielicznych posiada szybki podgląd wykonanego zdjęcia przy urządzeniu na 10" monitorze oraz bezprzewodowego pilota ułatwiającego pozycjonowanie pacjenta.Na etapie skanowania możemy wybrać jeden z pięciu poziomów dynamiki zdjęcia. Innowacyjny program do diagnostyki 2D SmartDent obsługiwany dotykowo na tabletach, smartphonach zawiera pełną gamę funkcji do diagnostyki 2D.


Digital Radiovisiography combines ultrasound with X-ray. It gives a broad research capabilities, which have a direct impact on the effective treatment of the patient and save him unnecessary stress associated with additional visits to the dentist. With radiovisiography, the dentist is able to assess the length of the canal of the tooth, bone density, the correctness of the channel fill, etc. The resulting image can be zoomed in to focus on a selected portion of tissue.

Thanks to this, it can detect early stage of the most common dental diseases - dental caries. During the test the dentist puts the tip of the apparatus and is able to see on the screen the result of the test - the image of the tooth. Before you go to the office, the doctor is a specialist on the monitor of your computer. Medical records goes to a printout of the test, you may obtain a copy of it. The advantage of a digital radiographic reduce radiation dose by approximately 90%  compared to the classical picture. The radiovisiography makes it possible to quickly and easily image and locate structures, which is especially important during root canal treatment. imptanty This eliminates the risk of incomplete purification of the channel, which may occur during treatment with the traditional "blind" method. Computerized image obtained with this camera is sent to the dental practice and read on a computer monitor directly by dentists. Test image can be sent online to consult the appropriate professionals. There is also the possibility of computer graphic processing: adding contrast, cross sections, which further extends the diagnostic possibilities.

In our office we use the radiovisiography from the company Planmeca Dixi 3. This is the latest digital radiography system with a high resolution CCD sensor which gives the possibility of any X-ray imaging.

Oral surgery

selected procedures in the field of maxillofacial surgery
(in cooperation with Interdent Wrocław )

  • Surgery of oral tissues and jaw
  • Surgical removal of benign lesions
  • Surgical removal of teeth and root residues
  • Periodontal Surgery curettage, regeneration therapy, mucosal and bone grafts
  • Resection of teeth
  • Operations of cysts of the jaw
  • Treatment of complications of surgical and implant

We offer a wide range of conservative dentistry work:

  • Dental Consultation
  • Professional teeth cleaning
  • Sandblasting
  • Plaque removal (scaling)
  • Polishing teeth
  • Sealing teeth
  • Instruktaż higieny jamy ustnej, porady
Dental prophylaxis

We offer professional services for dental prophylaxis. 
Range of treatments includes:

  • Showing a patient with a camera the current state of the interior cavity of the mouth. This allows the patient to lead an effective prevention and treatment to illustrate progress and carry out a proper hygiene.
  • Removal of the stone above and below the gum using the latest generation of scalers that provide painless procedures.
  • Sandblasting teeth after removing stone. This treatment significantly prolongs the clean state of teeth above and below the gum and gently brightens teeth
  • Reducing the hypersensitivity of the necks of teeth by bio-stimulating laser or by chemical preparation Fluor Protector or Helioseal F or polishing teeth.
  • performed rails relaxation
Aesthetic Dentistry

Using the latest technologies and materials, we offer services to patients that will satisfy the most demanding patients;;

utwardzanie kompozytu
  • Teeth Whitening  (overlay, and dead teeth after root canal treatment) by direct and indirect methods
    - direct method of tooth whitening using a light - both effective and safe way to get snow-white smile, within a short time of bleaching
    - whitening your teeth using the indirect method using special trays to whiten the teeth with gel. Whitening treatment is carried out in a long time patient at home
  • crown restorations, veneers porcelain, inlays and onlays, porcelain restorations are solid metal-free materials
  • composites and composite - ceramic, the latest generation of this material to reconstruct a conservative tooth having a unique aesthetic effect

The private practice of Slawomir MD Makacewicz attaches great importance to the effective treatment of endodontics (root canal).

Endodoncja Endodontics - a branch of dentistry dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the tooth pulp and the diagnosis and treatment of periapical disease. The primary method of treatment is root canal treatment. They are made ​​with very thin drilling-penetrating tools.Then the channels are filled with gutta-percha and sealed. In order to carry out an effective treatment, there should be radiological control. Endodontic treatment allows you to keep your teeth, that may be prematurely removed. After the treatment the patient should be monitored annually radiographically.
Endodontic treatment is recommended for very deep cavities caries, pulp necrosis after fracture or dislocation of the tooth, before a crown or bridge.
Contraindications for endodontic treatment are a group of people at risk (heart disease, vascular, metabolic disorders), those with poor oral hygiene and lack of motivation.


Increasingly frequent periodontal diseases have a genetic background, or are the result of the body's immune disorders. It is therefore extremely important to have the advice of a specialist in prevention of periodontal disease - periodontology.

In our dental center you will find a fully professional care periodontology. The prevention and treatment of periodontal disease we use the latest conservative and surgical methods that allow long as you can keep your own teeth. Specialized Prosthetic reconstruction and systematic checks guarantee a specialist to restore a beautiful smile and lost chewing function.


Pedodontics - dental specialization that is separated due to the development of teeth and the oral cavity.
Pedodontics deals with issues such as:

  • teething and teething problems
  • treatment of teeth
  • treatment of immature permanent teeth
  • treatment of mucosal diseases in children
  • prevention of dental caries, mucosal disease and malocclusion in children
Periodontal disease, PERIODONTOPATIE - including periodontal disease.

In practice, Dr. Slawomir Makacewicza feels treatment of periodontal disease is an important part of preparing the patient for further medical treatment and prosthetic or as an end in itself.
This includes:

  • gingivitis
  • aphthae
  • periodontitis

Unfortunately, the first symptoms of periodontal disease (inflammation of the gums) are usually ignored by patients. This kind of disease is diagnosed in children, adolescents and adults. Epidemiological data show that 50% of the 7-year-olds, 75% of 12 year olds and 99% of adults have periodontitis. As a result of this disease there is a loosening rotation and tooth loss.

Until recently it was thought that periodontal disease is incurable. Today proved that maintaining proper oral hygiene, remove the stone above and below the gingival prevents and helps in the treatment of periodontal disease. Treatments used in the treatment are: scaling, splinting of teeth, gums and transplantation of bone augmentation.


Work is carried out in cooperation with Interdent Wrocław

  • Orthodontic Consultation
  • Removable Devices
  • Fixed appliances (metal, porcelain, crystal)
  • Fixed appliances self-ligatured
  • Lingual fixed appliances 2D
  • Lingual Fixed appliances INCOGNITO
  • Treatment of children
  • Treatment of adult
  • Pre Prosthetic Treatment, Periodontal-orthodontic

Jest to komputerowy system podawania pacjentowi znieczulenia. Ogranicza on do minimum ból jak i mozliwość wystąpienia powikłań po znieczuleniu. Tylko pojedyncze  gabinety posiadają taki system.

Mimo iż tylko pojedyncze gabinety posiadają takie systemy, my możemy pochwalić się posiadaniem dwóch takich systemów będących na wyposażeniu gabinetów w Rawiczu i Wrocławiu.


Wybielanie zębów jest możliwe na wiele sposobów. Podczas wyboru sposobu wybielania należy kierować się dwiema zasadami, aby wybrany sposób był bezpieczny i skuteczny. Lampa Beyond POLUS została specjalnie skonstruowana aby osoby kierujące się tymi zasadami były w pełni usatysfakcjonowane. Emituje ona zimne, niebieskie światło, a wysoko zaawansowany system filtracji nie wydziela szkodliwych promieni UV i ciepła, dodatkowo przyspiesza proces wybielania. Najważniejsze w tej metodzie wybielania jest fakt że jest ona całkowicie bezpieczna i wbrew błędnym opiniom, nie uszkadza szkliwa. Beyond POLUS polega na naświetlaniu zębów akceleratorem, potocznie zwanym lampą uzębienia, na których powierzchnie wcześniej nakłada się odpowiedni preparat oparty na nadtlenku wodoru. Metoda jest idealną alternatywą dla osób, których zęby zostały przebarwione przez spożywanie kawy, herbaty czy papierosów a także plamy fluorowe, przebarwienia po zażywaniu antybiotyków z grupy tetracyklin oraz zmiany koloru uwarunkowane genetycznie, które również mogą zmienić swój kolor na jaśniejszy.